Newsletter Summary:
Paid vs. Free 💸
Metaverse Consultation 😊
PODCAST Season 1 🎙️
Welcome 👋
I welcome you to this brand-new newsletter and podcast about “The Future of the Church is the Metaverse.” We’ve been church-planting in the metaverse for over six years, and we want to share our story and help you enter this brave new world.
Everyone is welcome…even if you don’t believe in God.

Paid vs. Free 💸
You’ll notice there is a free and paid version of this newsletter.
FREE SUBSCRIBERS: The vast majority of content will be free and we do not plan on having vital information behind a paywall.
PAID SUBSCRIBERS: A paid subscription is a way to help support our work. A big thank you to our paid subscribers! In the future, we may introduce perks for paid subscribers.
Metaverse Consultation 😊
We are getting requests from all over the world from people who need a consultant to help dive into the metaverse. Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate all those requests. So we have created a consultation Telegram group to meet this need.
“Telegram delivers messages faster than any other application. Powerful. Telegram has no limits on the size of your media and chats.”
In other words, you’ll have direct access to Bishop D.J. Soto to ask questions, receive coaching, and receive in-depth knowledge about the metaverse.
Sign Up for Consultation: / The first ten people to use the following code will receive 50% off the consultation subscription. Code: metaverse
PODCAST Season 1 🎙️
Here’s a sneak peek of the season one episodes titles of the VR Church Podcast: The Future of the Church is the Metaverse
Episode 1: VR Church Begins
Episode 2: Heavy Metal Faith
Episode 3: Pink Hair Revival
Episode 4: The Theologian
Episode 5: The White Mage
Episode 6: The Coldest & Mariana
Episode 7: The Future Queen of Hell
Episode 8: Attack of the Trolls
Episode 9: The Unseen Champions
Episode 10: Heresy & Hand Grenades
Episode 11: The VR Church Framework
Episode 12: The Future of the Church is the Metaverse
Stay tuned for more newsletters and podcasts!
I've come to realize that the future of the church is the metaverse. This doesn't mean physical gatherings will go away. It just means that your central ministry hub will be based in the metaverse from which a whole host of experiences will evolve from. These are exciting times to experience innovation like this. - D.J. Soto
D.J. Soto, Bishop of the Metaverse
Believing that faith is renewed as people engage with the good news of God’s love on new technology platforms, D.J. Soto began preaching in the metaverse in 2016. Originally thinking they would plant physical churches, they soon realized a new vision to plant churches in the metaverse. He is now the Bishop of Virtual Reality Church and MMO Church, which are futuristic church expressions that are intended to be radically inclusive and consistent with Christianity’s long history of adapting to new forms of media.